KASTLE прошивка V1.5 правленая
complex oscillator
3 synthesis modes on the main output: phase modulation, noise mode, track & hold modulation
3 more modes on the secondary OSC output: phase distortion, tonal noise mode, formant synthesis
PITCH control with offset and CV input with attenuator
TIMBRE control with offset and CV input with attenuator
WAVESHAPE control with offset and CV input
voltage controllable LFO with triangle and square outputs and reset input
stepped voltage generator with random, 8-step, and 16-step loop mode
2 I/O CV ports that can be routed to any patch point
the main output can drive headphones
1x AA battery operation or USB power selectable by a switch

1x AA battery operation
https://www.modwiggler.com/forum/viewto ... &start=100

полностью ручная работа
по 100$ за каждый